Welcome to LogicMedia

We're open and evolving! Our website is currently undergoing enhancements, but we're fully operational. Our focus at the moment is on adding functionality and our many ongoing projects. As a result some of the pages are lacking in polish until later in the year. Browse our evolving contentand features. Keep an eye out for exciting updates and ongoing projects.

LogicMedia is a hub of technological innovation, bringing ideas to life. Our expertise includes:

  • Creating apps, games, and websites.
  • Managing projects, programs, and engineering.
  • Offering a range of IT services.
  • Specializing in contract software development.
  • Providing professional photography services.

We excel in tackling complex challenges and are eager to collaborate on unique, innovative projects. Reach out to us for a complimentary consultation to explore how we can contribute to your project's success

Onging Projects

Title Description
9720f319-b2d7-4498-9257-3481d0d322c5 Tech Investigations Investigation various open source or commercial packages to better understand pro's and con's. Is it better to use existing solutions or build?
4f0dd647-df0d-48ce-ae8f-35d189cacd4f AR/VR dev environment Setup proper development environment for deploying AR/VR/Mixed reality apps to glasses.
9ed87671-bfcf-4681-9dd3-5a6711046e7c PlayToWinTheLottery.com Maximize chance of winning at the lottery.
2be286df-2cc2-4f78-b3fa-9234f406edad LifeScore Game Social Media game. The game to help you quantify your life achievements relative to your friends. Similar to the philosophy of "He who has the most toys .. wins"
b41e18dc-f504-4e7a-be58-96b667d4ca99 Unreal Dev Env Setup Unreal dev environment. Build from source, build unreal tournament from source.
65adaf4d-c3c8-4e6c-8b6a-c1dcf8d59ba4 Micro Benchmark A cross platform microbenchmark that assess 3D, CPU and storage performance.
aa7cdfce-c94a-40ee-a978-a99a4e3c31cc 3D Hello World Goal is to understand best approach to implementing a cross platform graphics app that takes advantage of platform features

Recently Completed Projects

Title Description
dd1587dd-5855-4267-a21e-70d408590058 LogicMedia.com Refresh Created new website for LogicMedia using latest .Net, Kerstril running on Ubuntu in a Docker image.
d5c2dce6-b656-47b9-aaf0-59b73a07a663 New Infrastructure Upgrade LogicMedia.com to Infrastructure. Prepare for updated website.
d2dc0e78-35ea-41f4-81b0-5da8e81e636e Cross platform Hello World Native project that builds on Windows, Linux, OSX, iOS, iWatch, iTV, and Android
07731c6a-9cd4-43ac-b639-49896b544b2d GITLab Eval Deployed a GitLab docker image. Looking for an automated CI. Seems like a decent package but a bit complex for my needs currently.
c593ebcf-e3b9-4b18-b9f8-63715c9e0c6c Jira Eval Deployed a Jira docker image. This turned out to be way overkill for my needs. And it appears that only pay services are being supported moving forward.
4b0a3866-a8d5-47f2-bf69-8276e34e99d3 LogicMedia Updates Ongoing feature and UI improvements for LogicMedia.com as needed for other projects

Technologies used in our projects

  • Visual Studio Enterprise 2022
  • Ubuntu , Kestrel, NGINX
  • Windows Server 2022 - with Active Directory, Replication Service, Certificate Server
  • Docker, LetsEncrypt Certificates
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019
  • .Net 8, Entity Foundation, Identity
  • C#, C++, Java, swift,
  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Datatables, JQuery
  • Direct3D, Vulkan, Metal, Unreal

Interesting Projects

Title Description
dd1587dd-5855-4267-a21e-70d408590058 LogicMedia.com Refresh Created new website for LogicMedia using latest .Net, Kerstril running on Ubuntu in a Docker image.
d5c2dce6-b656-47b9-aaf0-59b73a07a663 New Infrastructure Upgrade LogicMedia.com to Infrastructure. Prepare for updated website.
d2dc0e78-35ea-41f4-81b0-5da8e81e636e Cross platform Hello World Native project that builds on Windows, Linux, OSX, iOS, iWatch, iTV, and Android
4b0a3866-a8d5-47f2-bf69-8276e34e99d3 LogicMedia Updates Ongoing feature and UI improvements for LogicMedia.com as needed for other projects

Most Recent Project updates

See Whats New for more details

Completed Title Description
c3991aef-472e-4bc6-bf7a-786c40d3d2b9 01/20/2024 16:36:00 3rd Party Login Updated site with 3rd party login support, same as LogicMedia.com
93e5a65e-539b-43c3-ad5f-85a0bc272820 01/19/2024 02:45:11 Google Login Added support for Google Login. This is currently still in test and is restricted to test accounts
aebb3670-6a8f-4d2c-8ab0-edfd2146db98 01/18/2024 21:38:56 Facebook Login Added Facebook Login
0def0beb-9409-4b3e-b4a0-6707019e7153 01/16/2024 05:53:06 Sync source Applied shared source updates from LogicMedia.com.
a59a3159-122a-4df1-904e-ce43269b6ae4 01/16/2024 05:10:34 Form layout improvements Form fields are now properly responsive and also formatted to be easier to read.
4cb2d2f7-35c7-426a-b0e4-c2e9739b6821 01/15/2024 21:09:00 Label test polished Most labels are generated from the internal DB field names. These labels now look nicer
cede70b3-71e8-4875-be58-7615fbc0b8e7 01/14/2024 15:58:12 Per DB Field control Visibility, and ability to create, update or delete, now have fine grained control.
b261c8ca-3d2c-4f1b-85e0-ecc965bbee7f 01/12/2024 19:30:57 Table UI improvements Updated the Table UIs to have less clutter and work better with various screen sizes
702bc845-eaf8-48ad-bcc0-3bb401107329 01/11/2024 01:59:54 Refactored Site Refactored site. Common code is now being shared between LogicMedia.com and all other websites.